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The future of an entire generation is at risk. COVID has exacerbated already existing inequalities and magnified the global learning crisis.

We can change this!

Add your voice to Save our Future

Take action
Individual actions you can take:

Goal 4

Quality and education


Donate to an organisation

that helps provide education and supplies.


Mentor or provide homework assistance

to young people who do not have access to education or who need further support.


Organise a book exchange in your community.

Donate your used books to libraries and schools. The easiest way to give access to knowledge is to donate your used books to someone.


Mobilise your community and run a local campaign

to help collect necessary school supplies for schools in need of extra resources.


Encourage job opportunities for youth to build their experiences.

Ask your employer to provide jobs and learning opportunities to young people. It will also lead to economic growth.


Use the power of data to drive change!

Teachers and students can explore this new tool to learn how data can empower your activism. Head to find out more.